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Monday, May 31, 2004


as some of you know, i make it a policy to not talk politics. no one ever wins the conversation, no one ever changes their mind, and there is a lot of waste of time and effort talking politics...however...

as i was lurking around on the net, killing a rainy day in chattanooga and waiting for sebastian (grandson) to wake up, i went to http://baylink.pitas.com to do a little reading from the tampa bay area. there i found an article about bush and his accomplishments. the article can be found at http://www.thousandreasons.org/resume.html
i was totally amazed at the things bush has done to the U.S. some of the things listed were government deficit, kicked off united nations committees, kicked of world committees, flagrant violations of the sunshine law, the list just went on and on.

after finishing reading the article, i wondered who wrote the article and who had verified these allegations. then, while moving around on the article another link opened and there was a campaign solicitation for john kerry making reference to the article. so, it is my humble belief that most of the article is probably true. if they weren't, it would be too easy for bush to make kerry look like a liar and an idiot. i just really had no idea that bush had done all the things that were listed in that article. it is down right scary what he has been allowed to get away with. it is a shame that his father has covered up for him.

as we move on in time and into the future, is this how our federal government will continue, following the example of g.bush? what will it take to clean up the white house? clinton put a bad taste for democrats in everyone's mouth, not to mention putting a bad stain in the white house. i'm not saying kerry is the man either to save the day. i'm just wondering, we appear to have a divided nation, we are not respected by the world governments, we are acting worse than juvenile delinquents, worse than big brother, are we becoming a mafia? taking over, using force...this is a white house that i am not proud of right now.

i don't want to see a LONG list of dirty laundry posted on the internet about the president of the U.S. i want to see someone in office who is clean, forthright, no, i want a president who is squeaky clean! well, that is it for my political soapbox. what do you think?
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Sunday, May 30, 2004

Tennessee Arts Academy

this is what i will be doing this summer, always working to improve my performance as an art teacher. work, work, work!
This article was posted on the Chattanoogan.com

May 30, 2004
19 Hamilton County Educators Selected For Arts Academy
posted May 20, 2004

Nineteen educators from Hamilton County Schools have been chosen to attend the 2004 Tennessee Arts Academy this summer. A nationally recognized flagship program for teachers and school administrators, the academy features intensive training in art, music and dance/theatre.

The arts academy will take place June 6-11 (elementary) and June 13-18 (secondary) on the campus of Belmont University in Nashville. Participants will receive more than 30 hours of instruction each week. Training sessions will focus on administration, art, drama/theatre, general music, choral music and instrumental music. The educators will also enjoy several performances sponsored by the Tennessee Arts Commission and other special events.

Local teachers and administrators selected to attend the Tennessee Arts Academy are:
„h Barbara Burrow, Howard Elementary (general music)
„h Crystal Carroccio, East Side Elementary (general music)
„h Melody Clinton, Bess T. Shepherd Elementary (general music)
„h Marcella Duke, Loftis Middle (art)
„h William Fain Jr., Barger Academy of Fine Arts (administration)
„h Susie Frazier, Hixson High (drama/theatre)
„h Betty Julian, Thrasher Elementary (general music)
„h Jessica Laliberte, Chattanooga Center for Creative Arts (drama/theatre)
„h Mike Lees, Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences (choral music)
„h Juanita McClarty, Barger Academy (administration)
„h Dana Mulligan, East Ridge High (art)
„h Deborah Neighbors, Big Ridge Elementary (drama/theatre)
„h Melanie Piccolo, Battle Academy for Teaching and Learning (drama/theatre)
„h Jillian Ratti, Center for Creative Arts (drama/theatre)
„h Kay Schwieger, Hixson High (drama/theatre)
„h Vicki Sewell, Snow Hill Elementary (drama/theatre)
„h Pauline Smith, Orchard Knob Middle (art)
„h Hollie Steele, Battle Academy (drama/theatre)
„h LaFrederick Thirkill, Battle Academy (general music)

Academy officials say the aim of the 17-year-old arts initiative is to present concepts, skills and materials to educators to enhance the teaching of art, drama and music in the classroom. The state Department of Education¡¦s arts education program sponsors the academy.

i am so excited about this opportunity! i'll let you know, dear reader, how it went.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2004


i spent last weekend at the lake eden art festival in black mountain, north carolina. i met up with some contra dancing friends to share a cabin with. it was so much fun!

school paid my way since there was art, poetry, poetry workshops, kid art, music, it was considered a professional development for me! what a great way to go. i got to take friday off with pay. i plan to do this again may 2005. i hope i can get the girls to go with me. i saw a lot of babies and little ones with their parents. sebastian would have loved the color and noise!

i met several potters, talked to them about their glazes and took lots of pictures. i did some serious shopping on friday and a little on saturday. the kids market was a great source of ideas to take back to the classroom. i was a little disappointed with the excessive wire jewelry and earrings. these are crafts that would not work well in my classrooms. requires small tools that i wouldn't trust my students with.

the music was so alive and loud. there was a lot of celtic, reggae, folk music and singing. i got to contra dance a couple of times. my ankle wasn't being very cooperative. the doctor said i have tendonitis in the ankle...major pain and keeps me from dancing all nite. maybe next year i can dance all nite :)

the food was interesting, a lot of gourmet/ethnic and spicey stuff. the bratwerst stand had regular hotdogs so i ate one of those. the other booths i had to pass on. there was beer and wine but i didn't bother, i was having too much fun just looking at everything.

it was a productive weekend, but i missed the baby terribly. by saturday afternoon i was showing off the "grandma" pictures of sebastian. i came back early sunday so i could get my grandma fix, lol. this is definitely an experience to do again!
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